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Overview of Interfolio Testing Environments

Staging is operated as a separate environment from Production. It has its own resource allocation and operates on a siloed stack. Data cannot be transferred to or from this environment – e.g. Interfolio does not clone databases into Staging or pull data from Staging into a Production tenant.

Staging contains all Interfolio products and is generally used for software integrations development and testing.

New releases will be pushed to Staging before they are released in Production. As this is a test environment, there will be times when code changes are pushed that break functionality. These issues will be addressed quickly to provide a stable environment for your testing. 


Overview of Interfolio Testing Environments

  Staging Dev
Can clone data ←→ Production


Requires distinct API keys from Production


Can send email notifications


Includes FS, RPT, and LM


Includes FAR

Supports SSO

(unique from Prod)

(same as Prod)

Isolated identity management*


* A user's core profile contains their name, address, phone number, and email address. Changes to user profiles in a development tenant will be reflected in that user's profile in any other tenant to which they're related (e.g., production or another institution) and vice versa.

Request SSO and API Keys

Use this form to submit a request for SSO and API Keys. Please note for which environment you are requesting keys.

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