Add Required Documents for a Committee to Complete in an Active Case
Unit Administrators and Case Managers can establish document requirements that mandate a committee or individual reviewer to submit (upload) one or more documents before a case can proceed to the next step in the workflow. This feature is particularly useful when a committee or reviewer is expected to provide a formal letter, summary, recommendation, or other statement before the case advances.
Committee document requirements are configured when adding or editing case review steps in a case or template. These requirements can be set for each committee at a specific workflow step, and all required documents for all committees at that step must be submitted to allow the case to move forward. Once configured, committee document requirements will appear on the Case page, where a Committee Manager must upload the necessary file to meet the requirement.
Case review steps, including document requirements, are created and edited when creating a template, or when creating or editing a case. The following instructions explain how to add committee document requirements while editing a case.
Add Document Requirements for a Committee
- Navigate to the Cases page and click the hyperlinked Name of the desired case to edit. Select Edit Case from the ‘Case Options’ dropdown.
- Select Case Review Steps under the ‘Creating a Case’ toolbar on the right-hand side and then click Edit next to the desired case review step.
- Select the Required Documents tab under the ‘Reviewers’ section and click Add Required Document.
- Enter a Name for the document and use the Description area to include instructions on which section the requirement should be added to. Click Add when finished. Multiple required documents can be added.
If only a Vita is required, the ‘Candidate Requirement’ section will not appear. To display this section, include at least one optional material requirement for the candidate.
- Once added, document requirements will appear on the Case Details tab of the Case page. The number on the tab indicates the number of unsatisfied committee document requirements.
A case cannot move forward until all requirements have been met.
Do Committee Managers get notified of their missing requirements when there is a deadline for their review step?
No, Committee Managers do not receive notifications. Only Administrators and Case Managers will be notified if the institution sets the candidate deadlines to send notifications.