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Approve or Send Back a Position or Selection (New Hire)

The approval templates workflow feature allows administrators to create approval processes for new positions or selected applicants. Administrators can set up templates with approval steps for position approval (after position creation) or selection approval (after a search committee selects an applicant). At each step in the workflow, the position or applicant is either approved and moved forward or sent back for further review. This feature enhances visibility into academic recruitment and helps organizations enforce data recording policies. This article explains how to set up position and selection approval workflows.


For Position approval, a position can be sent back to a previous step and will return to that step once resolved. For Selection approval, if sent back to a previous step, it must go through all subsequent steps again. For example, if sent from step 3 to step 1, it will need to go through steps 1, 2, and 3.


Institutional Adminnistrators can approve any position.


Position Approval Workflow

  1. Click Review Position in the sent email.
    Review Position email
  2. The position approval page will display with the current step, who the step is assigned to, and instructions for the approval.
    Position page
  3. Click Approve to move to the position approval page or click Send back to select a prior step to send the position back to. If the position is at the final step in the approval process, click Close to approve and close the position.

Selection Approval Workflow

  1. Click Review Position in the sent email to navigate to the Selection Approval page.
    Selection Approval page with Selected Applicant tab selected
  2. Select the tabs to view the applicants and position details.
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