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Load Data in Bulk to Lifecycle Management

This article explains how to perform Data Uploads in Lifecycle Management (LM). During the setup process, all data can be imported to the application using CSV files. Interfolio provides the downloadable CSV templates needed for each type of data load. Once the files are uploaded, the information will be populated into the correct area for users to begin using immediately. The types of data that can be uploaded include Workloads, Series, Professional Journeys, Ranks, Rank Events, Faculty Profiles, and Appointments.


Data types may appear with different words than displayed if the organization has set custom terminology.


Load Data in Bulk

1. Navigate to New Upload under Administration

Navigation: Administration > Load Data > New Upload

  1. Click Administration on the navigation menu
    Administration selected under Lifecycle Management
  2. Click the Load Data tile on the Administration page.
  3. Click the Load Data tile on the Administration page.
  4. Click the New Upload button in the upper right-hand corner. This will take you to the Load Type & File page.

2. Complete File Upload Type Template

  1. Select the Type of item to upload using the dropdown. File uploads must be loaded in this sequence:
    1. Series
    2. Professional Journeys
    3. Ranks
    4. Rank Events
    5. Faculty Profile 
    6. Appointments
    7. Title (required)
    8. Past Events (optional)
    9. Workload (optional)
  2. Click the Download the template for detailed instructions on loading a "[File Upload Type]" file link to download a CSV template with the required fields already set up.
    Load Type section with Series selected and the Download the template for detailed instructions on loading a "Series" file link selected

    Series Note

      -  Unit Name and Series Name are required fields. 
      -  Tenure is an optional field with values of TRUE or FALSE and a default value of FALSE.
      -  The character limit is 100 characters

    Appointments Note

    You will have to select the Create new appointment records radio button before the Download Template File button appears

    The following information can also be found on the Instructions tab of the template file:

      -  The email address you enter will be used to match appointment information.
      -  The Unit Name must match an existing unit at the institution.
      -   The Series Name must match an existing series at the institution.
      -   The Rank Name must match an existing rank name at the institution.
      -   The Start Date must be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD
      -   The character limit is 100 characters for Appointment Notes


    Check out this article on how to Update (edit) Existing Appointment Records for more information.

  3. Open the downloaded CSV template.
  4. Read the Instructions and Data_Sample tabs. The Data_Sample tab provides an example of the data format that will be used.

    Most spreadsheet applications will change the file type of the downloaded spreadsheet to their native file format. It is necessary to save the completed file with the CSV file type before it can be uploaded. No other file format can be accepted.

  5. Enter the appropriate values on the Series_Template tab.
  6. Save the file as a CSV file.

    Before saving the file, if the file was built by entering data into the the template, Delete the Instructions and Data_Sample tab.

  7. Click Select File for Upload to select the desired file to upload.
    File Upload section with Select File for Upload button selected.

3. Review, Submit, and Check for Errors

  1. Check the Configuration and the Preview sections to confirm the mapping for each column in the uploaded file.
    Configuration and Preview sections
  2. Click through the rows of the file using the Previous and Next buttons to make sure the data is accurate.
  3. Click Continue & Process when finished.
  4. Check for errors in the # of Error Items column on the right-hand side.

    If the data uploads with no errors, it will show up on the Load Data page as a successful upload with 0 errors listed in the # of Errors column to the right of the page.


    If the data uploads with errors, follow the steps below to correct the processing errors.

    1. Click the Download error items link under the # of Errors column.
    2. View the processing errors on the downloaded file.
    3. Correct the processing errors on the CSV template from earlier and try the upload again. 

    If corrections are able to be made on the downloaded file, DELETE the Processing Errors column and save the file as a CSV before uploading it again.



Will the file uploader accept any file regardless of the number of columns as long as the appropriate headers are indicated?

Yes, as long as the names of the header rows match the template, the file may contain additional columns.


How does the "update existing items" toggle work when loading a new file?

Optional fields can be updated (when using the update flag). Faculty not included on the list will not be removed from the system. When uploading Profile or Appointment files, rows may be left in the setup sheet of existing records already loaded to the system. These will be skipped. The Update flag is available on the Faculty Profile file and Appointment File. Currently, there are some required fields that can be changed. Fields that cannot be changed are those that are used to build the timeline. 

The following fields cannot be changed:

Profile template:

  • Email Address

Appointment template: 

  • Email
  • Unit Name
  • Series Name
  • Journey Title
  • Rank Name
  • Start Date

The following fields can be changed:

Appointment template:

  • Contract Expiration
  • Title
  • Position ID
  • Compensation
  • Employee type
  • Workload Name
  • Appointment Notes
  • Past Appointment

Date Hired can be changed but this will not change the date of any existing timelines. To correct this, consider adding an exception event to the faculty member's timeline.


Which file should be loaded first?

It is recommended to load the Profile template before the Appointment template.


How should you use the position ID found on the Appointments file?

This field may be used to capture the faculty member's institutional position number. This is a text field so it can be repurposed for other needs as well.



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