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Report on Applicant Data by Status


Reporting on applicant data is critical to making a hiring decision for your institution. Interfolio provides multiple avenues to report on applicant data, in both the product interface and in the API. Here, we will outline how to utilize the API to fetch application data based on a specific application status. This reporting option is useful if your institution uses application statuses as a specific call-to-action or to group applicants into specific buckets.



The institution will need to have populated their Faculty Search implementation with appropriate positions, and received applications to those positions. The institution will also need to have utilized application statuses in some capacity, and have one or more specific application status strings to use in reporting.


Fetch Applications by Application Status

In order to report on applicant data by application status, utilize the following API endpoint:

GET => /byc-search/{tenant_id}/applications/selected_applicants?date_selected={yyyy-mm-dd}&selected_status={string}


This endpoint will return an array containing one or more “application” objects that match the criteria defined in the “date_selected” and “selected_status” query parameters. Please note that the “date_selected” parameter must be in “YYYY-MM-DD” format, and the “selected_status” parameter must be a string with “spaces” encoded as the “%20” string.

The “application” object will contain identifying attributes of the applicant – e.g. first name, last name, email address, etc. – as well as form responses. Document objects are not included in this API output. Checkout our recipe on downloading application documents for more info.


To best utilize this endpoint, it is recommended that you design your reporting integration to run on a daily cadence. This endpoint can return application data that has been modified “today”, but it is generally more useful to capture all updates that were made in a given daily timeframe. Therefore, it is recommended that the “date_selected” parameter be the datestamp for “yesterday”.

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