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Managing Faculty Profiles via the API

Managing Faculty Profiles via the API

Create a Profile with an Appointment

1. To create a faculty profile with an associated appointment, you will first need a PID for the faculty member -- a unique identifier generated for a given user account in Interfolio. You can retrieve a given user's PID in IAM API

2. Next, you will need the "unit_id" for the appointment object. You can retrieve a list of units for your tenant with the units#index endpoint:


GET => /10668/units

3. Next, you will need the "rank_id" to which you will associate the given faculty member's appointment. To find this, you will first need to fetch the "series_id" using the series#index endpoint. This endpoint uses the "unit_id" to return available series objects.


GET => /10668/series?unit_id=10669

4. Once you have the "series_id", you can retrieve the ranks for a given series using the ranks#index endpoint. This endpoint uses the "series_id" and returns the associated series objects.


GET => /10668/ranks?series_id=42

5. Once you have the required identifiers, use the profiles#with_appointment endpoint to create the profile with the associated appointment. This endpoint takes a JSON payload of parameters associated with the profile object and the appointment object and then returns the created profile with the associated appointment.


POST => /10668/profiles/with_appointment
 "pid": 2413576,
 "institution_user_id": "test.user",
 "first_name": "Test",
 "last_name": "User",
 "email": "test.user@interfolio.com",
 "date_hired": "2021-01-01",
 "street_address_1": "1400 K St NW",
 "street_address_2": "Suite 1100",
 "city": "Washington",
 "state": "DC",
 "zip_code": "20010",
 "country": "USA"
 "unit_id": 10669,
 "rank_id": 42,
 "title": "Professor of Testing",
 "start_date": "2021-01-01"

6. You can alternatively create a basic profile with the profiles#create endpoint. This endpoint takes the same JSON payload without the included appointment object.


POST => /10668/profiles
 "pid": 2413576,
 "institution_user_id": "test.user",
 "first_name": "Test",
 "last_name": "User",
 "email": "test.user@interfolio.com",
 "date_hired": "2021-01-01",
 "street_address_1": "1400 K St NW",
 "street_address_2": "Suite 1100",
 "city": "Washington",
 "state": "DC",
 "zip_code": "20010",
 "country": "USA"

Update Profile

1. To update a faculty profile, you will first need the "profile_id" -- a unique identifier generated when the profile is created. You can fetch this ID value from one of a few endpoints detailed here: View Single Profile.

2. Once you have the ID of the profile you wish to update, use the profiles#update endpoint. This endpoint takes a JSON payload of parameters associated with the profile object and returns the updated profile.


PUT => /10668/profiles/1432
 "last_name": "UpdateTest"

Delete Profile

To delete a faculty profile, you will first need the "profile_id" -- a unique identifier generated when the profile is created. You can fetch this ID value from one of a few endpoints detailed here: View Single Profile. Once you have the ID of the profile you wish to delete, use the profiles#delete endpoint.


DELETE => /10668/profiles/1432
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