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Add an Exception Event for Faculty

Individual faculty members may have circumstances that require exceptions to be made in their journey. It is easy to create exceptions in Lifecycle Management (LM) that will apply only to a given user, but will not affect other faculty members of the same rank and/or on the same professional journey. When someone is added to the program, they are scheduled to go through the ranks and events that are part of their appointment at a particular rank and year. Events can be added or deleted for an individual, and these changes will not affect other users. The most common example would be changes in the timeline of events because of leave, or when users are hired or appointed outside of rank.


Using an accelerated exception event allows users to shorten the timeline for an individual faculty member. This feature is useful for a faculty member that has been hired with years of credit towards their probationary period.


Add an Exception Event

1. Navigate to Add Exception Event under Faculty

Navigation: Faculty > desired Faculty Name > Timeline Options > Add Exception Event

  1. Click Faculty on the navigation menu.
    Faculties selected under Lifecycle Management
  2. Click the Faculty Member name to open their profile. 
  3. Select Add Exception Event under the Timeline Options dropdown.
    Add Exception Event selected under the Timeline Options dropdown

2. Add Exception Event Information

On the Add Exception Event page fill out the form with details about the exception event.

Note that the information after the Reason field CANNOT be edited after adding the exception event. If further changes need to be made after creating the exception event, a new event will need to be created or each event will have to be edited individually.


3. Use an accelerated exception event

Using an accelerated exception event will allow the timeline for an individual faculty member to be shortened. This feature is useful for a faculty member who has been hired with years of credit towards their probationary period. By incorporating an accelerated exception event into the faculty member’s timeline, the faculty member’s progress toward their tenure review year can be expedited.

  1. The start date of the exception event must be before any events impacted by the timeline adjustment. In the below example, we are adding an exception event after the initial appointment. The exception event must have a start date greater than the faculty member’s initial appointment date of Jan 1, 2026.
  2. The end date of the exception event must be before the start date of the existing event. In the below example, the exception event end date must occur before May 1, 2028.
  3. Ensure Yes is selected under Do you want to change the timeline?
  4. Select Accelerate Timeline under How do you want to change the timeline? Type of Change dropdown.
    Accelerate Timeline selected under Type of Change
  5. Click Save when finished.
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