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Add/Edit Administrative Rights for Faculty and Support Accounts

Reporting and Administrative Rights can be granted directly within Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180). This article details how to grant Reporting and Administrative Rights and outlines the steps to assign these rights to users.


Add/Edit Administrative Rights for a User

  1. Navigate to the Administration page and click Faculty under the Add/Edit section to edit administrative rights for faculty.
  2. Click the hyperlinked unit number to navigate to the Manage Faculty page.
    • Click the Pencil (Edit) icon next to the desired faculty member to assign administrative rights. The Faculty Form will appear.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the form. The Administrative Rights section shows existing access rights. Select the applicable radio buttons to indicate the desired permission levels (None, Report Rights, Full Admin Rights) for the user.

    Full Administrative Rights are defined and modified by each unit and can vary for users depending on the units they access.

  4. Click Save and Go Back when finished.
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