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Activate Free Account After Uploading Letter (For Letter Writers)

Dossier accounts are free and require only some basic information to get started. An account does not need to be created to submit a letter of recommendation, but it is a great way to store and send confidential letters of recommendation, evaluations, and requests. Activating a free account with Interfolio also allows confidential letters of recommendation to be sent and stored for candidates to a range of academic opportunities, from grants to tenure reviews to faculty positions. Accounts will contain any previous history of letter requests that were sent to this email address.


Activate Free Account

  1. Click Activate Now after submitting a requested letter of recommendation.

    A confirmation message will appear after submitting a letter to Interfolio. While using the Interfolio Dossier service is not required to submit the letter, a free account is created when a user requests a letter through the Interfolio Dossier system. Activate the account and sign in to track the letter and use other great features for managing the letters being requested.

  2. Enter Username and Password.
  3. Click Activate Account when finished.
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