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Lifecycle Management Release Notes 2024.08.20

(Added) Update Appointment Data via Data Loader:

We have added a new workflow for appointment management through the data loader, enabling users to either create new appointment records or update existing records.

  • LM Admins can now update a faculty’s appointment information via the data loader.
  • If users try to update appointment information using an invalid Appointment ID, they will receive an error stating that the corresponding appointment does not exist at the institution.
  • After updating a faculty’s appointment information via the new Appointment Template, that faculty profile and timeline will reflect the changes. 

(Updated) Update the Configuration Section of Appointment Data via Data Loader:

As part of the work above, we Updated the data configuration section that appears after the user has selected to update Appointment records. The user is now presented with both a preview of their data, and also the appointment information they are updating (original and new columns).

  • The overall preview section pulls the first 3 appointments that the user is trying to update, along with an error message if the wrong User ID is used.
  • LM Unit Managers or Admins updating Appointment information via the data load, will see all their fields mapped on the configuration page if the template was used.
  • LM Unit Managers or Admins updating Appointment information via the data load, will be able to select columns to map to from the CSV upload.
  • LM Unit Managers or Admins updating Appointment information via the data load, will see a blank preview if appointment IDs from the CSV aren’t selected from the configuration.
  • LM Unit Managers or Admins updating Appointment information via the data load, can preview the first three rows of data from the uploaded csv in the preview section assuming they have selected a valid appointment ID column with valid IDs from the mapping, and have access to the appointment IDs identified in the upload.
  • When an LM Unit Manager or Admin is updating Appointment information via the data load,  if one of the first three rows of the csv upload has an appointment ID that either doesn’t exist or they don’t have access to, they see the appropriate error message banner. 
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