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Overview of Review Workflow

In Interfolio Review, Promotion, & Tenure (RPT), each step in a workflow is called a case review step. Case review steps can be created when making a template or a case. At each case review step, different people or committees have access to the committee documents, candidate materials, evaluations, forms, and comments that make up the case. Multiple committees (or single individuals) can be added to a case review step and can access a case at the same time. Once a case is being reviewed, Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers of certain committees assigned to the case review step can Move a Case Forward or Backward to different stages of the case review workflow.


Review Workflow

Component Description
Committee Document Requirements Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can set committee document requirements. This requires a committee to upload a certain document before the case can be moved forward to the next step.
Administrator Recusal As a case moves through the case review steps, some Unit Administrators or Case Managers may need to manage only the components they should oversee, and nothing more. That is why Administrator Recusal is a particularly helpful component of Interfolio RPT. Administrator Recusal allows administrative users to invite other Unit Administrators or Case Managers into a case, or dismiss them when their job is done. This ensures to designate the appropriate person to oversee each step at any stage of the workflow process.

With the following communication abilities, it is possible to ensure everyone stays informed at every stage of the review process:

  • Once a case has been moved backward or forward, Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can choose to send an optional email message to members of the committee to notify them that they will be gaining access with that move. 
  • At any moment during the review process, Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can email the candidate to request any additional information or to update them on the status of the review. 
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