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Delete or Update a User's Account

Unit Administrators can delete a user, edit a user's name, update an email address, and more from the User & Group page. This article will cover how to make those changes.


When updating a user's account, please note that this will not automatically update any previously created cases.


Delete or Update a User's Account

Navigation: Users & Groups > Edit > Update

  1. Click Users & Groups under Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) on the navigation menu.
    Review, Promotion & Tenure section with Users & Groups highlighted
  2. Ensure the Users tab is selected at the top.
    Users, Committees & Units section with the Users tab selected
  3. Click the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the desired user.

    Note that the list of users can be searched for by name or sorted by name and email.

  4. Update information or select Delete to delete the user.

    When a user is deleted in RPT, they will no longer be able to access the institution with their SSO ID, however, historical case data will be preserved.

  5. Click Update when finished.

    If you receive the error “Sorry! The value you entered for ‘Email’ has already been taken” you must delete this user with the misspelled email and then add a new user.

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