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Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is an encrypted transport based on Secure Shell (SSH). All communications are encrypted, and the server is authenticated by a signature verified by the client with each login. The server datastore where files reside is an encrypted volume with a limited-use access key. 


Access to the SFTP service is protected by a system that blocks any client for 24 hours after two failed login attempts. 


To generate a key pair use the OpenSSH ssh-keygen tool with the command: ssh-keygen -t rsa-sha2-512 -b 4096 -f {filename} This will generate two files {filename} and {filename}.pub. Paste the contents of {filename}.pub below. {filename} will be used on the SFTP client to connect.


Please note that your institutional SFTP is not intended for long-term data storage. Files older than one year are subject to deletion.



To set up the SFTP server with Interfolio, please complete the survey linked below. 

Check out this article About Autoload Information for more information.


Once set up, in order to access your institution's SFTP, you will need to enter the following information using an SFTP client:

Title Information
Connection Type SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
Server/Host transfer.ops.interfolio.com (US), transfer.ca1.interfolio.com (Canada)
Port 22
Username [provided at the time of setup]
Password None
SSH Key Your private key
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