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Delete Materials from Dossier

Materials can only be deleted if they are not included in an application or delivery. If attached to an editable application, first remove the file from the application before deleting it from your Dossier account. Materials can only be archived until they are removed from the application.


Materials attached to a non-editable application can only be archived, not removed or deleted.


For information on how to delete a pending letter of recommendation check out this article on how to Cancel a Request for a LOR.


Remove Materials from Application

If the file was never attached to an application, skip this section.

  1. Navigate to the Deliveries page and click Edit next to the desired application.

    If Edit is not available, editing has been turned off for the position, and the material can only be archived.

  2. On the application's page, click Edit Documents and then click Remove next to the document to remove from the application.

Delete Materials from Dossier

Materials must be removed from all applications and deliveries before deletion is possible. Until then, only the archive option is available. If you do not see the Delete option, this is because the selected materials are attached to an application. Go back to the Remove Materials from Applications section above for further directions.

  1. Navigate to the My Materials page and click the Title of the document desired to be deleted to navigate to the Document Preview Window.
  2. Select Delete from the Other Options dropdown.
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