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Archive or Unarchive an Application

It is important for Committee Managers to archive applications in Interfolio Faculty Search (FS) from the Applications page. archive applicants who are no longer being considered before changing position requirements. If not archived, their status may shift from Complete to Incomplete when new requirements are added. Archiving freezes their Completed status. 


Archive or Unarchive an Application

  1. Navigate to the Positions page and click the hyperlinked Position name to navigate to that position's page. 
  2. Filter the list of applicants to display only applicants who are no longer being considered.
    Longlist selected below Application Status
  3. Check the boxes next to the applicants to archive, and then click the Archive button on the toolbar that appears. 

    Archiving an applicant does not delete their application, but rather it moves their application to another folder and freezes their view and actions in the system. Archived applicants won't be notified of new document requirements, but they can see them if they open the application.

  4. To unarchive a position, select Yes under the Archived section on the Filter list to display only archived positions.
    Yes selected under the Archive section
  5. Check the boxes next to the applicants to unarchive, and then click the Unarchive button on the toolbar that appears.
    Unarchive button selected

Remember to clear the the Archived filter to view active applications

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