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About Non-Base Data Autoloads

Interfolio supports autoloads for Base Data files including Grants and Scholarly Activity data files as well as custom sections. This is a load process that can be scheduled to check for new files uploaded to the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server and load them into Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180). Once complete, an email notification can be sent out indicating that the load is done. This article explains more about non-base data autoloads. Non-base data includes profile, activity, and other data that cannot be loaded through the user interface (UI).


Note that once a data file is approved for autoloading, the file structure (file names, column names, column order, and formatting) will need to stay consistent. If file changes are needed, please send a support request before making the change.


Non-Base Data Autoloads

Conditions for Autoloading

A data file is approved for autoloading if the five conditions listed below are satisfied.

Condition Details
SFTP Requirement

Data files need to be uploaded to the appropriate folder on our SFTP server.

  • Grant files should be uploaded to: /incoming/<faculty180 instance>/grants
  • Scholarly files should be uploaded to: /incoming/<faculty180 instance>/scholarly
Data Models
File Requirements
  • Autoload files are required to be in .CSV format.
  • UTF-8 encoded file formats are supported. If particular uploaded .CSV file(s) are not encoded in UTF-8, re-save the files as UTF-8 in order for the data to be read correctly by the data base.
  • Best practice is to provide a delta file, instead of a file containing the full data set. A delta file will include new records and records that have changed since the last load. This will help to reduce processing time and improve the accuracy of the updates.
Data Type Formatting Information on supported data type formatting can be found in the data model under the desired section. For example, dates and numerics.
Naming Conventions

Accordion BodyGrant files should use the following naming convention:

  • Proposal file: Faculty180_proposal_yyyy-mm-dd_sequence#.csv
    • Example: Faculty180_proposal_2022-11-21_01.csv
  • Award file: Faculty180_award_yyyy-mm-dd_sequence#.csv
    • Example: Faculty180_award_2022-11-21_01.csv
  • Optional collaborator file for proposals: Faculty180_proposal_collaborator_yyyy-mm-dd.csv
  • Optional collaborator file for awards: Faculty180_award_collaborator_yyyy-mm-dd.csv
  • Scholarly activity files should use the following naming convention:
    • Scholarly activity file: Faculty180_section-name_yyyy-mm-dd_sequence#.csv
    • Optional collaborator file for scholarly activity: Faculty180_section-name_collaborator_yyyy-mm-dd.csv 
  • Multiple files for the same section can be uploaded at the same time to be autoloaded. Use the sequence number within the file name to allow for multiples.
    • Faculty180_proposal_2022-05-10_01.csv
    • Faculty180_proposal_2022-05-10_02.cs

File Details

Feature Details
Locking Abilities For sections that have locking available, locking records is supported by the autoload process.
Activity Classification Requirements Activity Classification Data can be included in the file to be autoloaded. See the appropriate data model for more information on specific sections for loading.
Autoload Frequency
  • Data files can be uploaded to the SFTP server at any point. The autoload can be scheduled for any time.
  • If a file is not available at the scheduled time, the process will simply skip the process. The autoload will try again at the next scheduled time.
  • Files can be scheduled for autoload as often as weekly. Files can also be scheduled for a given day on a monthly or quarterly basis. 

Most institutions load files once a week or once a month.

Autoload Notifications

When an autoload process completes, an email notification can be sent to any email address requested. The email will include the name of the files processed, the name of the section loaded, the total number of new records, updated records, records not changed and errors. The notifications will come from the email address: noreply@f180-prod.localdomain

Sample email:

Automatic upload processing completed. Section Award. 5 new records. 352 updated records. 7892 records not changed. 2908 errors.

Autoload Success/Fail Logging

The autoload process generates two log files for each section load. These logs will post to the SFTP server under the location/outgoing/logs.

  • Success Log: One log file contains those records that were successfully processed and did not error. The file includes a column indicating whether each record was inserted as new, updated, or not changed. 
  • Error Log: One log file contains those records that failed to load. The log includes a column indicating the reason for the error and a column containing further details if applicable.
Autoload Management

Autoloads are set up by the Interfolio Technical Services Team. To autoload data files, create a ticket to request that autoload be set up. To expedite setup, provide the following information in the ticket request:

  • The name of the section to be autoloaded
  • A sample of the data file(s)
  • The email addresses that need to receive the autoload notification
  • The autoload frequency required and the day/time for the process to run
    • For example, every Friday at 5 am EST

To modify the autoload setup (load schedule, file name, and notification emails) or sections in FAR (adding new activity classifications), create a support ticket by emailing Interfolio-support@elsevier.com with the changes needed.

Available Sections for Autoloading
  • Grants
  • Scholarships
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