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Faculty Activity Reporting Release Notes 2024.05.07

Added: Preview Output of Vita Builder When Entering Initiated Activity Inputs:  

Users of new Vita Builder templates are now able to preview their data inputs. We have added vitas generated from templates created from Vita Builder to the list of options for preview in Initiated Activity Input.

  • Administrators can now select a new Vita Builder template from the template list and save the workflow when creating an Initiated Activity Input Workflow.
  • Faculty and Approvers can use the new Preview button during the initiated activity input process to see how their activities will output on the default template.  
  • Preview automatically includes the terms selected in the Workflow set-up and opens the appropriately selected vita.
  • Administrators can use the Preview button to view a Vita Builder template during the initiated activity input process through Approval.    
  • Administrators using new Vita Builder to create or edit institutional vita templates can select a unit, see the associated committees with that unit, and successfully save their selections when setting up an initiated input. 
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