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About SLAs - Data Migrations/Loads/Other Support

Completion of file processing, team projects, general support questions, processing improvement requests, pass through engineering requests, and more are dependent on current workload, availability of resources, project or other priorities. The team goal is to balance these priorities as efficiently as possible. Below are targeted Service-Level Agreements (SLAs). These targets presume timely responses from the requester and do not apply to tickets that involve troubleshooting, bugs, or enhancement requests.


Note that the expectation is that files will include data that can be loaded cleanly into a field that already exists in the database. There is no expectation that Technical Services will modify the data provided. Data files must meet data model standards and comply with the Data Triad: clean, correct, compliant. Check out our Google Drive for the most up to date data models.


Targeted SLAs

Type of Request Business Day(s) Target Completion
Base data set loads: Unit, Faculty, Faculty Classification, Current Position, Secondary Unit, Prefix, Courses, Courses Taught, Scholarly Outlet Lists, Committees (for dropdown options only), Support Accounts. N/A

The client is expected to manage the loading of base data set files either by using the autoload feature or the UI administrative feature.

For the timeline to troubleshoot base data loads, please see the General questions/support row below.

Database clone - to any non-production database 2

Two business days from the time of ticket triage for any clone to a non-production database.


Database clone requests should include the following:

  1. Source database
  2. Target database
  3. The Faculty ID of any users who should retain access to the database.
New file processing <30
  • The general target for completion is fewer than 30 business days.
  • New files are those that require additional triage for file format, mapping to section fields, writing the code for processing, and time for the file to load.
  • Script changes due to discrepancies in client data since the previous file load are subject to this SLA as well.

Note that Multiple files may incur a delay. 

Recurring file processing  (non-automated) <2 Recurring, non-automated loads for files that have not been modified and for which a cadence has been established with the Tech Services team.
Recurring file processing (automated) <1 Recurring, automated loads for files that have not been modified and for which a cadence has been established with the Tech Services team.
Ad-hoc file processing <10 This applies to files not provided to the Technical Services Team on a pre-established basis.
System modifications 5-10

Minor system modifications such as administrative permissions changes can be completed in 5 business days.

We strive to complete larger requests, such as changes to Faculty Activity & Activity Classifications, organizational structure changes, and modifications to autoload settings, in under 10 business days.

Note that major system modifications such as extensive organizational structure changes may extra time.

Data migrations: Activity Insights (Digital Measures), Sedona, Homegrown, Other vendor/source files. (Typically processed during implementation) As agreed per the project plan The category of implementation will be applied to these files understanding that the process of receiving the files, triaging for configuration, data mapping/processing, client review, and the probability that this will be repeated once or twice. Completion will be longer than 30 business days.
General questions/support Varies by complexity These requests generally require investigation, testing, documenting, and an email exchange with the client. These may be simple, quick turnarounds or longer exchanges internally and externally, so completion rates will vary. We strive to provide a meaningful initial triage within 5 business days.
SSO, SFTP setup support < 10 The SSO/SFTP Setup Form is required and must be completed in its entirety.
API key provisioning  <5 The API Key Request Form is required and must be completed in its entirety. 
Pass through to engineering (bugs, out of scope/access tasks, etc) Varies by complexity Feature Requests, Bugs, etc. - any request that requires intervention from the engineering team
New custom reports (FS, RPT, F180) Varies by complexity Creation of a new report.
Custom reports (existing script) <5 Execution of an existing custom report.
Custom reports (modification) <30 Modification of an existing custom report.
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