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About Dates/Deadlines

This article outlines dates and deadlines (hard and soft deadlines) and how they function in each of Interfolio's products, along with information about who gets email reminders and when.


Please note that all deadlines are in EST for all institutions.


Check out our Automated Email Notifications article for more information on notifications triggered after deadlines have passed.



Date Description
Hard Deadline (Y/N)
Position Open Date FS Does not apply The position is automatically published when the open date, set during Position Creation, passes. If approval is needed, it goes live the morning after approval (if the open date is earlier).
Position Rolling Deadline FS No No deadline if position is rolling
Position Deadline (Specific Date)
Yes Applicants who have not submitted their applications will not be able to edit or submit their materials after the deadline.
Recommendation Request
  • Yes, if requested by the institution
  • No, if requested by the applicant
Candidate's Packet Due (overall) RPT The deadline type is set by an Administrator and applies to all cases across the institution.
  • An Institutional Administrator can set the default deadline type for all cases across the institution.
  • Unit Administrators and Template Administrators can change the deadline type for specific templates.
Candidate's Packet Section Due Dates RPT No
  • If there is a soft deadline set for the overall packet, then there are no enforced deadlines for any of the individual sections. 
  • If there is a hard deadline set for the overall packet, there can be soft deadlines for  each section, but all uploaded materials in each of the sections will automatically be  submitted on the overall packet deadline date.
External Evaluations RPT Yes The Accept/Decline link within the email will expire after 30 days. However, the External Evaluator will still be able to log into their account to access the request. 
Committee/Candidate Shares w/ File Response Enabled RPT Yes  
Step Details Due Dates/Committee Review Due Dates RPT No  
Initiate Faculty Input FAR Yes If due date is set. Ongoing is always open
Faculty Classification Initiated input (Message Due Date)
Faculty Classification Initiated input (Message Expiration Date)
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