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Automated Email Notifications

This article lists all of the automated emails sent out through each of our products. The emails are categorized based on how a user may experience them in the product. If the table indicates that an email can be customized, then at the time that the action is being taken the product will ask if you want to provide a customizable message.


Interfolio is migrating our support system to Elsevier’s platform, with the transition set to take effect on January 21, 2025. To ensure you continue receiving all communications, it is recommended to whitelist the elsevier.com domain in addition to interfolio.com domain.


Automated Emails


Reason for Email Email Summary “From” email address Button Link Recipient Customizable?
Your Interfolio password has recently changed. Your Password Has Changed Recently help@interfolio.com N/A Interfolio User NO
Reset Your Interfolio Password. We have received a password reset request for your Interfolio account. help@interfolio.com Reset Password Interfolio User NO
Sent to users signing in with google for the first time since the security update We have updated our security measures. To help protect your account, we cleared your stored Interfolio password with your most recent Google sign in on [Date], [Time] ET. You may continue to access Interfolio with the "Sign in with Google" option. We have not made (and can not make) any changes to your Google account. help@interfolio.com   Interfolio User  

Delivery Recipient

Reason for Email Email Summary “From” email address Button Link Recipient Customizable?
Sent to an email delivery recipient Candidate materials are attached for your review. help@interfolio.com Verify Receipt Delivery Recipient NO

Dossier Users, FS Applicants, and Letter Writers

Reason for Email Email Summary “From” email address Button Link Recipient Customizable?

Account Creation

Dossier account holder that just created a free Dossier account.

When an FS applicant creates their account through the apply now page, they will receive this welcome email.

Welcome to your free Interfolio Dossier Account, [Name]. help@interfolio.com Find a Position/Request a Letter FS applicant NO
Welcome to your free Interfolio Dossier account. We’re so delighted to meet you, [Name]. help@interfolio.com Add a File/Request a Letter Dossier Deliver User and Dossier Free new account holder NO
Sent to Dossier account holder that just upgraded their account to Dossier Deliver

Welcome to your upgraded Dossier account!


help@interfolio.com Sign In Dossier Deliver User NO

Option to activate a free Interfolio account. 

Sent to Letter Writer's after their first successful letter of recommendation upload.

Activate your own free Interfolio Dossier help@interfolio.com Activate Account Letter Writer NO

Institutional Dossier

Sent to a Dossier Institutional user to notify them that their institutional affiliation has ended. Your Dossier institutional affiliation has ended help@interfolio.com Sign In Dossier Institution User NO
Sent to Dossier Institutional user that accessed Interfolio’s Dossier through their affiliation with their institution Act Now to Continue Using Your Interfolio Account help@interfolio.com Subscribe Now Dossier Institution User NO

Account Information/FAQs

Sent to Dossier Institution users to offer tips to best utilize Dossier Polishing career materials is essential to success.
Let us help you get started.
help@interfolio.com Adding a file, Requesting a confidential letter, Asking for help  Dossier Institution User, Dossier Deliver User, Dossie User NO


Confirmation that the letter of recommendation request  was successfully sent to letter writer. Your request for a [Document Type] has been sent to [Writer Names] ([Writer Emails]). help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier User NO
New document available in your free Interfolio Dossier account.  We have received your [Document Type] titled “[Document Title].” help@interfolio.com Sign In Dossier Free User NO
Sent to Dossier User when there was an error with document attempted to be uploaded. We’re sorry! Your document, [Document Name], failed to upload due to an error. help@interfolio.com Upload Doc Dossier User NO
Sent to Dossier user to notify them of a problem with a document submitted on their behalf. The document has been updated and is now ready to use
Your document, [Document Name], has been updated and is now ready to use. help@interfolio.com Sign In Dossier User NO
Confirmation that the letter of recommendation sent from another service has been successfully transferred to your Dossier account. Your credentials were successfully transferred! help@interfolio.com Get Started Dossier Free User NO

Quality Check

The Quality Check found an issue with a letter submitted on your behalf. Our quality check found an issue with a letter submitted on your behalf by [Writer Name]. help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO
Your letter is ready for use. The Quality Check found no issues. We’ve completed our quality check and found no issues with the letter submitted on your behalf by [Writer Name]. help@interfolio.com View Letter Details Dossier Deliver User NO

Your letter is ready for use. The Quality Check found that you are missing a letterhead and/or signature.

We flag for Dossier Deliver users as not all institutions mandate LH and signature

Your letter is ready for use help@interfolio.com View Letter Details Dossier Deliver User NO

Dossier Deliver


Survey sent to Dossier Deliver subscribers after their renewal.

Recently you renewed your Dossier Deliver subscription.
At Interfolio we strive to find ways to offer the best features and service to our customers.

Please take our brief survey to allow us to better serve you. The estimated time to take the survey is take less than 1 minute.

help@interfolio.com Complete the survey Dossier Deliver User NO
Your Dossier Deliver subcription will renew automatically Your Dossier Deliver subscription will automatically renew soon. help@interfolio.com Account Settings Dossier Deliver User NO

Dossier Deliver Expiring

Notification that your Dossier Deliver subscription will expire in 30 days. This is only sent to Dossier Deliver users who de-selected the auto-renewal.

If your account expires it will revert back to a Dossier Free account.

Turn on auto-renewal to keep your Dossier Deliver subscription. help@interfolio.com Edit Renewal Settings Dossier Deliver User NO


A Dossier invitation to upgrade to Dossier Deliver is sent to Dossier Free user who requests a confidential letter upload delivery. Please upgrade to Dossier Deliver and resubmit your letter from [Letter Writer Name] to [Institution Name] help@interfolio.com Upgrade Now Dossier Free user NO
Sent to a Dossier Deliver account holder who has requested a confidential letter upload delivery and has 0 remaining deliveries. Please add Dossier Deliver credits and resubmit your letter from [Letter Writer Name] to [Institution Name] help@interfolio.com Add Credits Dossier Deliver User NO
Confirmation of the receipt of the confidential letter request. We have received the letter request from [Destination]! help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO
Confidential Letter Upload has been processed and confirmed. Your confidential letter upload delivery was completed today, [Ship Date], at [Ship Time] help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO
Sent to a Dossier Deliver user after they request a confidential letter upload that could not be completed. We received your request for an Online Application delivery [Delivery ID] of Recommendation from [Letter writer’s name] to [Delivery recipient], but unfortunately we were not able to complete the upload. help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO
Reminder to finish your email delivery. Don’t forget to complete your email delivery to [Recipient Name]. help@interfolio.com Sign In Dossier Deliver User NO
Confirmation of email delivery. Your email delivery was sent today, [Ship Date], at [Ship Time]. help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO
Sent to Dossier Deliver User if they start a mail delivery and do not submit the request. Don’t forget to complete your mail delivery to [Recipient Name]. help@interfolio.com Sign In Dossier Deliver User NO

Confirmation that paper delivery was sent.

Only sent to Dossier Deliver users who select the USPS Domestic included with subscription.

Your mail delivery was sent today, [Ship Date], at [Ship Time]. help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO

Confirmation of mail delivery arrival.

For mail delivery, we find out the tracking information about 1-2 days after the shipment date.

You have successfully submitted your delivery to Interfolio help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO

Confirmation of electronic delivery arrival.

This is shipped out to confirm standard receiver type delivery such as AMCAS/TMDSAS

Your electronic delivery was sent today, [Ship Date], at [Ship Time]. help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO
This email is sent in the event that Interfolio is unable to fulfill your delivery request and includes the reason within the body of the email. We are unable to complete a delivery you requested. Delivery [DELIVERY_ID] was canceled because *[REASON]. help@interfolio.com N/A Dossier Deliver User NO


A reviewer has added comments to your shared materials. New Comments help@interfolio.com View Comments Dossier Deliver User NO
Dossier Deliver user shared their collection [Requester Name] ([Requester Email]) has shared a collection or an item with you: [Shared Name] help@interfolio.com View [Dossier Deliver user's Name]'s Collection Collection Reviewer YES

Interfolio Hosted Position Applicants

This is sent to an FS Applicant when an application has been created on their behalf Application created on your behalf by [User's Name] noreply@interfolio.com Activate Application FS Applicant  NO
Confirmation that the recommendation was received and has been attached to your FS applications. Good news! We have received your [Document Type] titled [Document Title]. help@interfolio.com N/A FS Applicant NO
Confirmation of successful FS application submission if the Institution has not set their own message  Thanks for submitting your application today, [Date] at [Time]. To confirm, here is what you asked us to send: [List of Documents Attached to Application]. help@interfolio.com N/A FS Applicant NO
This is sent to FS Applicant after they successfully submit their application, and the institution has set a custom message be sent  [Customized message]. [Institution name] sent this message in reference to your application for [position name] noreply@interfolio.com N/A FS Applicant YES

A Reminder of an incomplete application.

If the position has a close date, this reminder is sent to the recipient 7 days before the close date.

You're almost finished! Be sure to complete your application to [Institution]. help@interfolio.com Complete Application FS Applicant NO

A Reminder of an incomplete application.

If the position has a close date, this reminder is sent to the recipient 24 hours before the close date.

Don't forget to complete your application to [Institution]. help@interfolio.com Complete Application FS Applicant NO
The recommendation due date is approaching and the requested letter of recommendation has not been received yet. We have not yet received your letter from [Writers Name] ([Writers Email)]. help@interfolio.com View Your Request FS Applicant NO
This email is sent to the Applicant from the position  [Message From Sender] noreply@Interfolio.com N/A FS Applicant YES

Letter Writer

Institution has sent a new recommendation request.

A reminder email will go out 7 days and 1 day before the due date if the letter of recommendation is requested by an FS applicant.


Letter Writers will NOT be able to upload their letters of recommendation after the due date has passed since it is a hard deadline.

[Requester Name] ([Requester Email]) has requested a [Request Type]. help@interfolio.com Upload Letter Letter Writer Set by requester

External Evaluation recommendation request sent out by the institution on behalf of an RPT candidate.

The candidate cannot see the External Evaluation.


Reminder emails will NOT go out for External Evaluation requests.


Letter Writers will NOT be able to upload their letters of recommendation after the due date has passed since it is a hard deadline.

[Requester Name] ([Requester Email]) has requested a confidential evaluation. help@interfolio.com Get Started Letter Writer YES

Reminder to the Letter Writer about the letter request for an FS application with a due date.

This reminder email will go out 7 days and 1 day before the due date of a recommendation request.


Letter Writers will NOT be able to upload their letters of recommendation after the due date has passed since it is a hard deadline.

This is a friendly reminder that [Requester Name] ([Requester Email]) has requested a [Request Type] that is due [Due Date]. help@interfolio.com Upload Letter Letter Writer NO
Recommendation document upload error. Letter Writer can upload up to a 100 MB document. Your recommendation on behalf of [Applicant Name] did not upload. help@interfolio.com Re-Upload Document Letter Writer NO
Confirmation of letter of recommendation submission. You’ve successfully submitted a recommendation! help@interfolio.com N/A Letter Writer NO
Canceled recommendation request Your recommendation for [Name] is no longer required. help@interfolio.com N/A Letter Writer NO
Quality Check found an issue with the letter submitted. Our quality check found an issue with the letter you submitted on behalf of [Owner Name] ([Owner Email]) help@interfolio.com N/A Letter Writer NO

External Evaluator

Request for an evaluation on behalf of an applicant. [Institution] is conducting a review of [Candidate Name] and has requested a [Document Type]. help@interfolio.com View Request Letter Writer/External Evaluator YES
External Evaluator successfully submits their evaluation. Confirmation of External Evaluation upload. noreply@interfolio.com View Evaluation External Evaluator NO
External Evaluation was successfully uploaded, but there was an error in adding the additional materials LOR submitted, additional materials error help@interfolio.com R-Upload Files External Evaluator NO
External Evaluation was not successful due to an error uploading the document on behalf of the RPT candidate. Your [Document Type] on behalf of [Candidate Name] did not upload. help@interfolio.com Re-Upload Files External Evaluator NO
Reminder that the deadline for an external evaluation, that has been accepted, is approaching and a document has not been uploaded. This is a friendly reminder that [Institution Name] has requested [Article Request] that is due [Due Date]. help@interfolio.com View Request External Evaluator YES
A reminder that the deadline for an external evaluation is approaching and a response as to whether they have accepted or declined the request has not been provided. This is a friendly reminder that [Institution] has requested an Evaluation from [Candidate Name] with a due date of [Date].


Can have a customized “from” email address if the client has that setup.

View Request External Evaluator YES
A reminder that the deadline for an external evaluation is approaching and a response as to whether they have accepted or declined the request has not been provided. This is a friendly reminder that [Institution] has requested an Evaluation from [Candidate Name] with a due date of [Date].


Can have a customized “from” email address if the client has that setup.

View Request External Evaluator YES
Sent to External Evaluator when the material they attempted to upload did not upload. Your evaluation on behalf of [Candidate Name] did not upload. help@interfolio.com Re-upload Document External Evaluator NO

Faculty Search

Emails sent to applicants prior to submission and letter of recommendation requests are listed in the Dossier section above.

Reason for Email Email Summary “From” email address Button Link Recipient Customizable?

Addition to Faculty Search Module

When an existing FS  User is added in bulk and the optional welcome message is selected. These users receive Dossier Institution Accounts [Institution Name] has added you as a user of Interfolio [Product Name] noreply@interfolio.com Sign In FS User who is added to a product when they already have an account YES
Sent to new FS User added by Institution to their product [Institution Name] has invited you to join Interfolio [Product Name]


Email address reflects the email set by the institution.

Sign In New FS User who is added to product YES
Sent to new SSO user added to Institution’s FS module [Institution Name] has invited you to join Interfolio [Product Name] to access your Interfolio account, please log in with your [Institution Name] credentials.
noreply@interfolio.com Sign In New SSO FS User added to the institution NO


Sent to the listed position approver notifying that there is a position that requires approval A position in Interfolio Faculty Search requires approval noreply@interfolio.com Review Position FS user assigned to selection approval workflow YES
Position approval was declined. Approval for the position titled [Position Name] was declined. Review and make updates to your position before resubmitting for approval. noreply@interfolio.com View Position FS Position Approver/Position Creator YES
A position was sent back to you in the workflow and needs your review. A position requires your attention. noreply@interfolio.com Review Position FS User assigned to selection approval workflow YES
A position has been moved to your step and needs your approval A position requires your approval. noreply@interfolio.com Review Position FS User assigned to selection approval workflow YES
A position has been approved. Your position [Position Name] has been approved! noreply@interfolio.com View Position FS Position Creator YES
Selected applicants are ready for approval. Applicants have been selected for a position and are awaiting your approval. noreply@interfolio.com Review Applicants FS user assigned to selection approval workflow YES

Position Change

Email sent to Position Creator if they create a position with a future open date, email notification was sent 2 days prior to open date Your Interfolio [Product Name] position will be published soon. noreply@interfolio.com N/A FS Position Creator NO
Updates made to position [Changer’s Name] made the following changes to [Position Name]:  noreply@interfolio.com Sign In

FS user indicated on Administration > Position Settings > Position Change Notifications

This is optional. No one has to be notified of changes.

Sent to position creator to notify an applicant has withdrawn and is removed from the applicant pool. The application of [Applicant Name] to [Position Name] has been withdrawn and has been removed from your application list   Sign In FS Position Creator NO
Notification that an applicant that had previously withdrawn has reactivated their application. The previously withdrawn application of [Applicant Name] to [Position Name] has been reactivated and is available in your application list noreply@interfolio.com Sign In FS Position Creator NO


Application shared with user to review. [Sender’s Name] has shared the attached application with you. noreply@interfolio.com  N/A FS Committee Member YES


This is the email sent to an FS Applicant when selected from the Applicant pool list >Email, the same email is triggered when a group of Applicants Is selected from Applicant pool> Email or when a Position status changes and a message is selected to send to applicants [Message From Sender] noreply@interfolio.com N/A FS Applicant YES

Review, Promotion & Tenure

Reason for Email Email Summary “From” email address Button Link Recipient Customizable?

Addition to RPT Module

Existing RPT User is added in bulk and the optional welcome message is selected. [Institution Name] has added you as a user of Interfolio [Product Name] noreply@interfolio.com Sign In RPT User who is added to a product when they already have an account YES
New RPT User added by Institution to their product. [Institution Name] has invited you to join Interfolio [Product Name] noreply@interfolio.com Sign In New RPT User who is added to a product YES
Existing RPT User is added to a new Institution and the Institution decides to send a Welcome message You have been added to Interfolio at [Institution] interfolio-support@elsevier.com Sign In Existing RPT User added to new Institution NO
New RPT Users added to Institution You have been added to Interfolio at [Institution] interfolio-support@elsevier.com Sign In New RPT User added to Institution NO
New SSO User of RPT added to Institution and provided Dossier account [Institution Name] has invited you to join Interfolio [Product Name] and provided you with Interfolio Dossier noreply@interfolio.com Sign In New SSO RPT User added to Institution by API and provided with Dossier account YES
New SSO User added to Institution's RPT module. [Institution Name] has invited you to join Interfolio [Product Name]. To access your Interfolio account, please log in with you [Institution Name] credentials noreply@interfolio.com Sign In New SSO RPT User added to Institution NO

Account Creation

Existing FS or RPT User is added in bulk and the optional welcome message is selected. These users receive Dossier Institution accounts. [Institution Name] has added you as a user of Interfolio [Product Name]   Sign In FS/RPT User who is added to a product when they already have an account NO

External Evaluation Request

External Evaluator Receives evaluation request. Interfolio Services University is conducting a review for [Document Type] of [Candidate Name] and has requested a Confidential Evaluation. noreply@interfolio.com View Request External Evaluator YES
External Evaluator accepts the evaluation request. Your request for [Document Type] of [Candidate Name] has been accepted by the [Evaluator Name]. noreply@interfolio.com N/A RPT User (External Evaluator Requestor) NO
External Evaluation request is due in 7 days/24 hours. This is a friendly reminder that [Name] has requested an Evaluation from [External Evaluator] that is due on [Date]. noreply@interfolio.com View Request External Evaluator NO
External Evaluator declined to write the evaluation. Your request for [Document Type] of [Candidate Name] has been declined by the [Evaluator Name]. noreply@interfolio.com N/A RPT User (External Evaluator Requestor) YES
Requested external evaluation has been uploaded. The evaluation you requested on behalf of [Candidate Name] has been uploaded. noreply@interfolio.com Log In RPT User that requested the External Evaluation NO
External evaluation request email bounced We were unable to deliver your request for an evaluation interfolio-support@elsevier.com View Case RPT User that requested the External Evaluation NO


A case is available. [Institution Name] has initiated a case on your behalf. interfolio-support@elsevier.com

View Case

This link is only valid for 30 days. Afterwards the case can be accessed by signing in with institutional credentials.

RPT Candidate YES
This is sent to an RPT Candidate, after account creation, when they are notified of their case [Institution Name] has initiated a review on your behalf. interfolio-support@elsevier.com View Case RPT Candidate YES
Reminder that the deadline for the packet is in 7 days. Your candidate packet is due in 7 days. noreply@interfolio.com Sign In RPT Candidate NO

Deadline for packet is in 24 hours.

After the deadline passes the packet will be locked, any uploaded packet materials will be submitted, and the case will be moved to the next review step.

Your candidate packet is due noreply@interfolio.com Sign In RPT Candidate NO
When Case Options > Email Candidate or when Case Details > Email Committee Member(s) is selected. [Message From Sender] noreply@interfolio.com N/A RPT Candidate YES

Case Creation

Bulk upload of cases has been created. [Cases Total] cases were successfully created in the following unit: [Unit Name]. noreply@interfolio.com View Cases RPT Case Creator NO


A new case has been submitted. [Candidate Name]’s case is available for review. noreply@interfolio.com Sign In RPT Committee Member(s) on first case review step NO
A new case has been submitted automatically as a result of a hard deadline passing. Candidate packet locked & submitted noreply@interfolio.com View The Case

RPT Committee Member(s) on first case review step

When Unit Administrators edit deadline settings from the Administration section of RPT, they can set up an automatic submission notification that will alert users with either or both of the roles of Unit Administrator or Case Manager after the deadline has passed.


A case has moved to your step for review.

Once a case has been advanced to the first step in the workflow, a Unit Administrator, Case Manager, or Committee Manager can move the case forward or backward to another review step. After the first case review step, the user moving the case would select if an email notification is sent out.

[Candidate Name]’s case is now available for your review noreply@interfolio.com Review Candidate RPT Committee Member YES

A Case is available.

These templates are sent when there are requirements at the case review step that must be completed before the case can be moved.


When a case is moved, the first step committee is always notified of the case. However, for any case review step thereafter, it is up to the committee moving the case forward to select whether a message will be sent to the reviewers gaining access.

[Candidate Name]’s case is now available for your review noreply@interfolio.com Review Candidate RPT Administrator YES


Files have been shared from a case.

If sharing with the candidate, external evaluations cannot be included, even if moved to a different section of the case.

[Sender Name] has shared files with you. noreply@interfolio.com View Files RPT Candidate or Committee Members indicated by user sharing file YES
Response to a shared file.  [Candidate Name] has responded to the files you shared. noreply@interfolio.com View Response All Committee Member(s) of the first committee listed on whatever step the case is at when the response is sent NO


Sent to users requesting to download case materials in PDF or ZIP format You have documents available for download. noreply@interfolio.com Get Documents RPT user that has access to case (if enabled) NO

Faculty Activity Reporting

Reason for Email Email Summary “From” email address Button Link Recipient Customizable?
Reminder to complete Initiated Input form sent from Administration > Approve Initiated Input. This is a reminder to complete your Faculty180 [Initiated Input Form Name] for the initiated input process. noreply@interfolio.com N/A FAR Faculty Member YES
You have been invited to join FAR. The administration at [Institution Name] has added you as a new user in their [Product] software. noreply@interfolio.com Set Password FAR User NO

Lifecycle Management

Reason for Email Email Summary “From” email address Button Link Recipient Customizable?

Welcome email sent to users when their account was created by an institution for [Product Name] and then also provided a Dossier Free account.

 This email is optional for the institution to send. 

[Institution Name] has invited you to join Interfolio [Product Name] and provided you with Interfolio Dossier.   N/A RPT User added in bulk by institution YES


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