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Manage the Activities Shown on Your Web Profile

Your institution will decide which data (by section) from FAR will be displayed on Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles. Faculty can then hide specific data or activities from being displayed on their Web Profile when Adding/Updating Activities by following the steps in this article.


Data syncs from FAR to Web Profiles occur nightly, so it may take up to 24 hours to see changes reflected on your profile.


Hide, Display, or Update an Activity Shown on Your Web Profile

  1. Log in to your FAR account and navigate to the Profile or Activities page.
  2. Expand a section and select the Pencil (Edit) icon next to an activity. The Activity Input Form will display.
  3. Under the Activity Classifications section, select Yes (to display) or No (to remove) on the Publicly Displayed dropdown.

    If you do not have the appropriate permissions, the Activity Classifications section will not be available available, and thus, you are unable to change the display setting for this information. Reach out to an admin at your institution to request changes.



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