A Candidate's Guide to Populating and Submitting a Packet Using Interfolio RPT
Are you new to using Interfolio for reviews? Check out our eLearning course for RPT Candidates.
Getting Started
1. Navigate to Your Packets
- Navigate to Your Packets from your Interfolio Account or from the Case Initiation Email sent when your case was created:
Interfolio Account: Select Your Packets from the navigation menu and then click the hyperlinked name of the Active Packet. Past packets can be viewed under the Completed section.
If your case does not appear on Your Packets page, it may have not yet been initiated.
Case Initiation Email: Click View Case in the email.
Interfolio Account: Select Your Packets from the navigation menu and then click the hyperlinked name of the Active Packet. Past packets can be viewed under the Completed section.
- If you already have an Interfolio account, The Packet Overview Page will display, showing each section requirement and the progress in fulfilling each of the requirements.
If you don't have an account, you will be prompted to create a password to generate your Interfolio account for collecting and submitting materials.
2. View Instructions and Fulfill Requirements
Before taking any action, click View Instructions in the upper right-hand corner to see important details on requirements, policies, and processes. These will appear in the Candidate Instructions window.
- To continue fulfilling requirements or to complete/submit a section, click Edit within the section.
- You will navigate to the applicable section within the Packet tab where you can view the requirement details, number of Required files, and number of Added (uploaded) files. A section cannot be submitted until all requirements are met.
- Click the Add button to satisfy packet requirements from existing materials (including Existing Collections or Existing Packets).
Before uploading files, give them meaningful titles because reviewers will see these titles as bookmarks during review.
If your file is not uploading, make sure it follows the accepted file types.
3. Preview Packet and Make Any Changes
It is recommended to Preview Packet in the upper right-hand corner before submitting sections. The preview shows exactly how the packet will appear to the committee in the document reader.
Edit Files: Click Edit under the Actions column to change the title Replace the file altogether.
Responses to committee files cannot be deleted.
Rearrange Files: If you add a file to the wrong section, you can move it by dragging and dropping it into the correct section.
Add Section: If enabled by a Unit Administrator, users can add sections to the packet using the Add Section button at the top of the Packet tab.
Submit Candidate Forms: Click Fill Out Form (or Edit Form if already started) within the desired section under the Packet tab.
The form will appear as completed but not yet submitted until the submit button for the section is pressed. After submission, edits can no longer be made.
- Complete FAR Vita Section: Manage and Submit a FAR Vita as part of your packet.
4. View and Respond to Shared Files
Unit Administrators or Case Managers can add files, which will appear as "Suggested by [Name]." The user can then choose to keep or remove the file.
5. Submit Your Packet!
How Do I Submit My Packet for Review?
Be sure all sections are submitted by the due date. Sections can only be submitted when the requirements have been met. As soon as a section is submitted, the review committee will have access to those materials.
If the packet has a hard deadline, all materials uploaded to your packet will be automatically submitted and locked on the packet due date, regardless of if the requirements have been met. You will receive reminders 7 days and 1 day before the due date.
Submitting Your Packet
Candidates can submit all sections at once by clicking the checkbox at the top of the screen to check all sections and then clicking the white Submit Sections button that appears. Each section can also be submitted individually by clicking the blue Submit button within its section.
What happens once I submit a section?
You should not submit a section until it is complete. When a section is submitted, that section will lock and those materials become immediately available to the review committee. The review committee at the first step of the review will be notified that there are materials available for them to review (even if only one of the sections has been submitted.) Be sure to submit all sections by the due date.
How do I make updates to a section after I have submitted it?
Reach out to an administrator at the institution to unlock that section. Neither candidates nor Interfolio can unlock a locked section.
How do I unlock a section to make changes after submission?
After submitting a section, it will lock, and only a case administrator can unlock it for changes. Contact an administrator at your institution to request a section to be unlocked.
How do I download or print my packet?
Packets cannot be downloaded or printed.
How do I review a previous cycle's packet?
Navigate to Your Packets from the navigation menu and scroll down to the Completed section. Select the desired previous packet to review.
Note that you can Reuse Materials from Previous Packets in current reviews.
What is the time zone for the application timestamp?
The timestamp that displays is in UTC, not the candidate's timezone.
Is there a size limit for RPT packets?
Yes, there is a 5GB limit.
How to Submit PDFs with Retained Signatures
Check out this article About Adding a Letterhead or Signature to a Letter (For Letter Writers) for further guidance.