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Implementation of Web Profiles


Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles provides a way to showcase the university's and faculty members' work, projects, and research initiatives. Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles are designed for all faculty, not just those in STEM fields. This article provides an overview of the steps and decisions involved in launching a Web Profiles site.


Check out this article Overview of Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles for more information about the Web Profiles product, including its features and capabilities.


Implementing Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles

Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles automatically pulls data from an Institution's FAR account into the Web Profile site. Therefore, it is essential that the institution takes time to review the quality of the data and indicate which specific data should be displayed. 


Use the following checklist to guide you through the steps necessary to ensure a successful launch of your Web Profile site.


Review unit names listed in FAR 

Unit names will display on Web Profiles exactly as they are listed in FAR, therefore institutions should avoid using naming conventions not easily understood by the public, such as cost center numbers.


Decide which Faculty to show on Web Profiles

Publish/Unpublish a Faculty Member's Web Profile Page

FAR Administrators will indicate which faculty members should have a published Web Profile. This setting can be updated for faculty in bulk via our Base Data model or individually within the UI. 

Faculty members cannot make this change themselves. They must reach out to an administrator with any requests to show or hide their profile. Faculty can choose specific data to show or hide on their profile.


Publish/Unpublish Faculty Web Profile Pages in Bulk or Via the UI

Web Profile Visibility can be updated in two ways: in bulk through an upload form or individually on the Add/Edit: Faculty page. Select the tabs below to read instructions on how to update the Web Profile Visibility field using one of these methods.

In Bulk via an Upload Form

To publish or unpublish Web Profiles for faculty members in bulk via an upload form:

1. Navigate to Administration > Setup > Upload Form

2. Download the current template 

3. Populate the spreadsheet according to your data model.

4a. If base data autoloads are available for your institution: include the file there following our requirements (naming convention etc)
 4b. If base data autoloads are not set up or you wish to do an ad-hoc load: Navigate to Admin > Admin > Bulk Data > Upload Data


Individually via the UI

Faculty profiles can also be published or unpublished individually via the user interface by FAR administrators. 

  1. Log in to FAR
  2. Navigate to Administration > Administration
  3. Select Faculty under the section Add/Edit.
  4. Select a hyperlinked number next to one of the units to view all faculty assigned to that unit. 
  5. Use the search box to search for a specific faculty member.
  6. Select the pencil icon next to the faculty member's name.
  7. Locate the Web Profile Visibility field and select Yes to publish the web profile or No to unpublish the user's web profile.
  8. Select Save.

    Data syncs occur nightly so it could take up to 24 hours to see any changes reflected on the Web Profile page.


Note that web profile visibility is not determined by employment or activity status. Whether a faculty member has a profile or not is determined by the new Web Profile Visibility field in FAR.



Are the profiles for faculty default on or off?

Profiles for faculty are default OFF. The default for publicly displayed activity classifications is set to YES to save the faculty member time.




Decide which profile and activity sections to display 

Institutions will determine which data they want to bring over from FAR to their institution's Web Profiles. Typically this will include:

  • Name
  • Unit
  • Current Position
  • Degrees
  • Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions
  • Teaching
  • Grants
  • Biography

If your institution is not using the standard ''Publicly Displayed" Activity Classification

If your institution is using the standard Publicly Displayed activity classification, you can move on to the next accordion. If your institution has turned off the standard AC and has created a custom one to add modifications, continue reading this section.


In order to allow faculty granular control over which of their data is displayed on Web Profiles, the standard Publicly Displayed AC must be turned on. The institution will then choose whether to default everyone's to Yes or No. Once the AC has been turned on, faculty members can easily update this defaulted field by logging into their FAR accounts.


Decide which statuses for Scholarly Output and Grants should be displayed

Institutions will indicate the specific scholarly output and grants that should show based on status. The table below contains some examples of common statuses that can be included or excluded in Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles.

Activity Status Included/Excluded
Scholarship Completed/Published


In Press

In Progress


Revise & Resubmit

Work Discontinued

Grant Funded - In Progress


In Preparation - Not Submitted

Submitted for Review

Submitted - Not Funded

Work Discontinued



Provide selections for customization


Communicate with faculty

Faculty members will need adequate time to review and validate their data prior to the launch of the Web Profile site to ensure accurate and up-to-date information. 

Check out this article about Web Profile Data Review and Validation for Faculty Members for a separate checklist of items for faculty members to complete prior to the launch.



How do faculty members edit or hide their data?

Prior to launching a Web Profile site, faculty members should consult this guide about Web Profile Data Review and Validation for Faculty Members to ensure that all their data is current and accurate.


Hide, Display, or Update an Individual Activity

Hide, Display, or Update an Activity Shown on Your Web Profile

Your institution will decide which data (by section) from FAR will be displayed on Interfolio Faculty Web Profiles. Faculty can then hide specific data or activities from being displayed on their Web Profile when Adding/Updating Activities by following the steps in this article.


Data syncs from FAR to Web Profiles occur nightly, so it may take up to 24 hours to see changes reflected on your profile.


Hide, Display, or Update an Activity Shown on Your Web Profile

  1. Log in to your FAR account and navigate to the Profile or Activities page.
  2. Expand a section and select the Pencil (Edit) icon next to an activity. The Activity Input Form will display.
  3. Under the Activity Classifications section, select Yes (to display) or No (to remove) on the Publicly Displayed dropdown.

    If you do not have the appropriate permissions, the Activity Classifications section will not be available available, and thus, you are unable to change the display setting for this information. Reach out to an admin at your institution to request changes.



Show/Hide Faculty Profile

Only FAR administrators can indicate if a faculty member will have a Web Profile. Faculty members must reach out to an admin to make this change. 

Admins can change this setting by navigating to the user's faculty classifications and indicating Yes or No for Web Profiles.









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