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Editing Help and Instructions in FAR

Editing Help and Instructions in FAR

Profile Form 

Section Sample Help Text Sample Instructions
Personal Information
Name, gender, race, nationality, and biography. (Client sample: To change any of the official UD HR data, please submit the "HR Employee Demographic Data" form available at www.udel.edu/edd. Name corrections must be made by your HR liaison using the JED Webform The information will be refreshed upon the next synchronization following approval of the changes which occurs within the first week of each month.

This is not the system of record for HR data.

To change any of the official HR data, please submit the "HR Employee Demographic Data" form available at ( _______.) Name corrections must be made by (____________.) The information will be refreshed upon the next synchronization following approval of the changes that occur within [cadence: ex. the first week of each month.]

Note that the honorific field drives the alpha character following your name on your Vitae output. 

Contact Information This is not the system of record for HR data. Contact information is loaded and synchronized monthly with the (_______) systems. Certain items on this form are locked (padlock icon next to the item) because this information is synchronized with the official University data systems. If you desire to make changes here please update your directory preferences at (_______).

This is not the system of record for HR data. Contact information is loaded and synchronized monthly with the (_______) systems. Certain items on this form are locked (padlock icon next to the item) because this information is synchronized with the official University data systems. If you desire to make changes here please update your directory preferences at (_______).

For Medical Schools note that the pager is by default off but can be turned on.

Current Position Academic/administrative title and academic rank. The information in this section is official University faculty classifications. If you find an error in this information, please contact the HR Liaison in your department and request that they correct this information via the ________.
Work Experience Academic and professional position(s) held - current and past. This section is a place to report your academic and administrative work experience. Note: Faculty should not include committee work or chairships in this section.  That activity belongs in the Activity Form under University Committees.
Degrees Completed formal education that has resulted in a degree, and degrees in progress. Completed formal education that has resulted in a degree, and degrees in progress.
Professional Licensures & Certifications License granted by state regulatory body (e.g., license to practice law), and certification indicating a specific set of knowledge or abilities (e.g., certification in the computer industry). Please report your licenses granted by a state regulatory body (e.g., license to practice law), and certification indicating a specific set of knowledge or abilities (e.g., certification in the computer industry).
Ranks and Promotion History Select the faculty rank you have held at the University along with the date appointed to or promoted to that rank. List each faculty rank you have held at the University along with the date appointed to or promoted to that rank.
Administrative Appointments List administrative or leadership appointments at the University such as center director, department chair, etc., with dates of service. List current and historical administrative or leadership appointments at the University such as center director, department chair, etc., with dates of service. 
Interests You may choose to list your areas of interest in this section. You may choose to list your areas of interest in this section.
Biography Information entered here may be used for a biosketch that you might use for presenting at a conference or posting to a department website. Information entered here may be used for a biosketch that you might use for presenting at a conference or posting to a department website.
Military Experience This section is designed for you to describe your assignments, experience, accomplishments, and success during your military career. You may also elect to report military service in “Work and Professional Experience.” This section was designed to capture United States military service.  If you served in another country's military, note that the dropdown boxes are not required.  You can use the date selection and narrative to describe your service.
Post-Graduate Training (for Medical Schools)   In this section, provide information on your Residency, Fellowship, Internship, and/or Post Doctorate. Each training must be listed separately.
Professional Licensures (for Medical Schools)   This section only covers state medical licensures and DEA certificates. Board certifications, BLS, PALS, and other certifications are all covered in the “Certifications” section.
Certifications (for Medical Schools)  

Organization = If listing board certifications, type the name of the board granting the certification (e.g., American Board of Pediatrics) in this field.)

Note that if you have a lifetime certification, in the field Expiration Date, select the last date available and please check the Lifetime Board Certification box” (In this section, list board certifications, PALS, BLS, and any other certifications)

Additional Training (for Medical Schools)  

This section should include any additional training you received outside of your degree, residency, fellowship, internship, and/or post-doctoral degree.

Specialty = Title of training

Hospital/Clinical Appointments (for Medical Schools)  

In this section, provide information on your current or past clinical appointments. Each appointment must be listed separately.

We recommend creating "Dropdown with Other" options for Title


Activity Form

Section Sample Help Text Sample Instructions
Teaching This is the official record of Courses Taught by the University's Official student system. The information in this section is view-only. If you feel there is an error for the current semester, work with your department representative to make the necessary change prior to the end of the term.

(_______) is the data source for courses with an enrollment of at least one student. This data is refreshed (______). Errors should be reported to (______).

If enabled the Group Courses option can be used to group variable unit courses or cross-listed courses, as a single entity; using this option will sum the total number of students enrolled in the courses selected for grouping. 


Course - displays the course, section number, component type, and variable units (if applicable); variable unit courses are listed with the enrollment and credit hours for each number of credit hours where students were enrolled
Course Title - displays the name of the course
Credit Hours - displays the number of units associated with the course component
Enrollment - displays the student enrollment as of the last day of the course
Percent Contribution - displays the decimal equivalent of the faculty member's teaching contribution for the given course (e.g. 100%=1, 50%=.5)
Student Credit Hours - calculated as (credit hours * enrollment * percent contribution)
Classifications - provides access to additional data fields related to a particular course (number of classifications may vary between users based on customizations from the college and/or department)

Non-Credit Instruction
This section is intended to document teaching activities that are not covered in Teaching where you are the primary instructor or co-instructor. This includes courses taught at other institutions, as well as workshops, master classes, and clinical/practicum/internship supervision and instruction in a group setting. This section is intended to document teaching activities that are not covered in  Teaching where you are the primary instructor or co-instructor. This includes courses taught at other institutions, as well as workshops, master classes, and clinical/practicum/internship supervision and instruction in a group setting.
Advising Load Academic advising is the process between the student and a faculty member of exploring the value of general education, reviewing the services and policies of the institution, discussing educational and career plans, and making appropriate course selections. Document the number of students that you are formally or informally advising.
Mentorship / Supervision This section is for specific students who you mentor on a regular basis. This includes, for example, undergraduate students who work in your research lab, undergraduate students working on a thesis under your direction, as well as master’s and doctoral students working on a thesis and dissertation under your director and advising. You can include students at another institution who you may be advising for a dissertation, etc. This section is for specific students who you mentor on a regular basis. This includes, for example, undergraduate students who work in your research lab, undergraduate students working on a thesis under your direction, as well as master’s and doctoral students working on a thesis and dissertation under your director and advising. You can include students at another institution who you may be advising for a dissertation, etc.
Scholarly Contributions & Creative Productions
  • Report your scholarly contributions, including articles, books, creative work, presentations, patents, and more. Note: Conferences attended should be reported in the "Professional Development" section.
  • Please include Proceeding Publications in the "Conference Proceedings" section. 
  • Indicates required field. Citation Preview: The 'Citation Preview' below shows how your item will appear on your CV. Choose an Output Style from the drop-down menu (e.g., APA; MLA; NLM) and click Refresh Citation. Coauthor(s): When adding a University coauthor, choose Select Internal Faculty Member.

Note that only University faculty with accounts are included in this search. If your coauthor is not in the system, choose Add Other Coauthor.

  • Report your scholarly contributions, including articles, books, creative work, presentations, patents, and more. Note: Conferences attended should be reported in the "Professional Development" section.
  • Please include Proceeding Publications in the “Conference Proceedings” section. 
  • Indicates required field. Citation Preview: The 'Citation Preview' below shows how your item will appear on your CV. Choose an Output Style from the drop-down menu (e.g., APA; MLA; NLM) and click Refresh Citation. Coauthor(s): When adding a University coauthor, choose Select Internal Faculty Member. 

Note that only University faculty with accounts are included in this search. If your coauthor is not in the system, choose Add Other Coauthor.


________ is the data source for sponsored grant information. Contact your unit's business office if any sponsored grant data is incorrect. Sponsored grant information is non-editable, and any corrections must be made in _____. 

Manual entries can be made in this section for non-sponsored grant and contract information (federal, local government, foundation, etc.). Be sure that manual entries are identified by type (research, service, training, etc.) These entries can be updated or deleted when necessary. 

Note: Honors and awards, whether or not monetary, should be reported in the Honors, Awards, and Fellowships section.

________ is the data source for sponsored grant information. Contact your unit's business office if any sponsored grant data is incorrect. Sponsored grant information is non-editable, and any corrections must be made in _____. 

Manual entries can be made in this section for non-sponsored grant and contract information (federal, local government, foundation, etc.). Be sure that manual entries are identified by type (research, service, training, etc.) These entries can be updated or deleted when necessary. 

Note: Honors and awards, whether or not monetary, should be reported in the Honors, Awards, and Fellowships section.

Institutional Committees Formal standing committee appointment within the academic institution. Do not list ad hoc committees, dissertation/thesis committees or informal assignments here; instead, list them under Other Institutional Service.

* Formal standing committee appointment within the academic institution. Do not list ad hoc committees, dissertation/thesis committees, or informal assignments here; instead, list them under Other Institutional Service.

* Select the committees on which you serve and indicate your role on the committee. To select a committee, click on the word [Change] below, and use the Search Box to locate the unit where your committee resides. Select the unit, then use the dropdown menu to select the correct committee. If your committee does not appear, select "Other" and type in the committee name.

Other Institutional Service In this section, you may report service to the university other than committee service. In this section, you may report service to the university other than committee service.
External Service Service rendered to academic or professional organizations. committee appointment journal editor or reviewer speech or presentation of the non-research paper at professional meeting moderator, discussant or panelist at conference Service rendered to academic or professional organizations. committee appointment journal editor or reviewer speech or presentation of the non-research paper at professional meeting moderator, discussant or panelist at conference
Honor and Awards Honors, awards, fellowships, etc. Please list your honors, awards, fellowships, etc. 
Professional Development Conference, training, continuing professional education, etc. in which you participated. Do not list degrees in progress here; enter instead as Degrees in the Profile Form Conference, training, continuing professional education, etc. in which you participated. Do not list degrees in progress here; enter instead as Degrees in the Profile Form
Professional Memberships Formal membership with professional/academic or community/civic organizations. Do not list service or office held within a professional/academic organization here; enter instead as Professional Service in the Workload Form. Do not list service or office held within community/civic organization here; enter instead as Community Service in the Workload Form. Formal membership with professional/academic or community/civic organizations. Do not list service or office held within a professional/academic organization here; enter instead as Professional Service in the Workload Form. Do not list service or office held within community/civic organization here; enter instead as Community Service in the Workload Form.
Consulting Paid/unpaid consulting engagement requiring professional expertise in support of a client Paid/unpaid consulting engagement requiring professional expertise in support of a client.
Clinical Teaching (for Medical Schools)  

An alternative to the ""Non-credit Instruction"" section to be utilized specifically by medical and health schools. 

Can be utilized in conjunction with the non-credit instruction section.

Activity Distribution  

This section is designed to represent the faculty member's workload distribution of responsibilities within the department.  Each year the faculty member's workload distribution should be reviewed during an annual faculty performance review for the coming year or multiple years.  

Administrative Instructions Below
* Enter values as percentage in whole numbers (no decimals).
* Do not include the % character.

Reassigned Duties    
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